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This might be California Poppy Jasper. It might not. I HATE, HATE, HATE to list an expensive rock when I'm not sure that it really is that type.


As I browse the listed rocks at Ebay, I find no such reluctance among the sellers there. Anything even slightly like Poppy Jasper is listed that way with prices to match. (Check for yourself.) I decided to list this one as the bargain that it is.


My dad must have acquired this one fifty years ago at a rock show (when there was still Poppy Jasper available for the digging in California) because there's nothing in Utah like this rock. He loved to trade his Utah rocks for rocks from places like California.


If you know what it is, leave a message and tell me!


If you're interested in more rocks, you can save a few dollars by combining several items into the same custom order.  There will be just one shipping charge in a cost-effective USPS flat rate padded envelope. Send a message before ordering so we can set up the order. I do a lot of my business through custom orders and I love to work with people to get just the right rocks you're looking for.


Red Heaven Mystery Rock


    This will be shipped in a USPS "flat rate" padded envelope at a shipping charge of $10.60. You can save money on shipping by ordering several items together so you only pay one shipping charge with a custom order. To set a custom order, just send me a message and I'll take it from there.

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