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Brazil is the bigest agate producer in the world. There's little argument about that. Back in the "good old days" rock shops would buy whole agates (like my dad has) in fifty-five gallon drums all the time.


That was then. This is now.


I'm not sure when it started, but for quite a few years now, it has been illegal (in Brazil) to export whole Brazil agate. It has to be processed (which normally means cut and polished) before it can be exported. Whole agates like this one are a rare commodity now. But this is what I got.


Brazil Agate is also one of the most frequently dyed with fake color. If you see one that is brilliant blue, eye-popping green, neon orange and so forth ... it's dyed that color. It's not natural.


I have a medium size pile of these that my dad acquired, probably fifty years ago when it was still possible to get them. I'll be listing them one at a time here at KinesavaROCKS.


I'm not "in business - I'm just having fun with my dad's rocks" -- so I don't mind at all highlighting a different web page that has the best summary of Brazil Agates that I can find: He has a few whole agates for sale too.  Check out:


If you like his more, buy his.


About the slices pictured. Regular readers have seen me say this dozens of times. My dad was a wonderful craftsman and he built most of his own lapidary equipment. At one point, he built a machine that could pollish slabs. This is what I have left of that effort: Three Slabs still in the plaster mold used to hold them. Two are Brazil Agate and they're a fair representative of what you can expect from the rock listed for sale.

WHOLE Brazil Agate

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    This rock must be shipped in a USPS Flat Rate Padded Envelope. The current USPS rate is $10.60.

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